Keenan Recruitment's Jen Crossan shares top tips for employees.
Personal Brand Matters
A personal brand is a unique combination of your skills, experience, and behaviours, that allow people to identify you, essentially the story that is told about you when you’re not it the room. Now more than ever, Personal branding has become important due to the impact of social media in society, and the ability for employers to gain a further insight into candidates before interview stage. Your brand is your reputation, creating an image of who you are to the outside world and marketing yourself as an individual can help you stand out from the crowd.
So, what is your brand? Before further developing your brand, it’s important that you’re pro-active in seeking feedback to understand what characteristics you are currently known for. This allows you to consider how much effort you need to invest in changing or growing your brand. Decide what you want your brand to be: who are you? What motivates you? What characteristics do you often get complimented on?
Top Tips:
You have a choice to actively manage your brand rather than leaving it to chance.